Message from Minister

Mountain Rise United Church of Christ embodies the values of the United Church of Christ. It truly lives out the UCC mission statement: “United in Spirit and inspired by God’s grace, we welcome all, love all, and seek justice for all.” Mountain Rise embraces diversity as a Global Mission Church and actively demonstrates what it means to be an Open and Affirming congregation in its words and actions.

Mountain Rise is a very generous congregation through stewardship and by offering community grants based on a portion of the church’s annual return from its endowment. When natural or human tragedies strike, Mountain Rise members and friends demonstrate even greater generosity by providing relief to those in need through the UCC special appeals for California and Hawaii Wildfires, Hurricane Devastation that destroyed homes and lives, as well as conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine. Mountain Rise members and friends also give of their time and energy, expressing their generosity through various acts such as raking leaves around the church, hammering nails for Habitat for Humanity, volunteering at the Advent House, distributing clothing at Salem Church, sending cards, or simply offering their labor where the need is greatest.

As soon as you enter Mountain Rise, you are greeted warmly by the greeters at the door and again at the welcome table. This welcoming spirit continues throughout the sanctuary as friends or soon-to-be friends extend hugs or genuinely inquire about your well-being. At Mountain Rise, you feel like you’re home. And if you’ve never experienced what home truly feels like, Mountain Rise United Church of Christ is ready to welcome you with open arms and make you feel at home.

– Pastor Kelly

A colorful banner inside a building with messages promoting kindness, diversity, and spirituality. "Mountain Rise" and "United Church of Christ" are highlighted.