Music Ministry
Music is an essential part of worship at Mountain Rise. For many people, music stirs our spirits and brings us into closer communion with God. If you enjoy expressing yourself through music, share your gifts with the Mountain Rise community! Please contact Music Director Jeanne Grace for more information.
From September to June, the choir leads hymns and sings anthems to enhance worship. The choir rehearses weekly on Wednesday evenings and prior to Sunday services. Director Jeanne Grace invites all adult and teen singers to join at any time. Weekly service music is provided year-round by a rotation of talented pianists. Our pianists are Jamilya Arzanesh, Scott Bradley, and Jack Snelling.
House Band
On the second Sunday of each month, the House Band adds jazz to the worship music. Current House Band members are Scott Bradley on piano, Doug Fien on bass, and Don Sherman on percussion and flute.
Handbell Choir
The handbell choir provides a welcome addition to occasional Sunday services. The choir meets for occasional six-week periods to prepare music for a specific Sunday. Rehearsals are held after Sunday service. Director Janice Hanson welcomes interested young people and adults, with or without prior ringing experience, to join.