Kelly Sprinkle is an Intentional Interim Minister who completed training through the Interim Ministry Network. Before serving as an Intentional Interim Minister, he served as a pastor in Chicago, Illinois and in East Lansing, Michigan. He has also served as the Protestant Chaplain at Syracuse University where he also served as the Interim Dean of Hendricks Chapel for nearly two years.

Kelly enjoys designing worship that integrates ancient and modern practices that embody progressive theology and expansive language for the Divine and humanity. He is fascinated by English language hymnody and liturgy. Throughout his career he has collected hymnals and prayer books from around the globe. Not only does he rely upon prayer and worship books, but he also writes liturgy. He is a frequent contributor to the United Church of Canada’s worship magazine, Gathering: Resources for Worship Planners.

Kelly is active within the United Church of Christ. He serves on the Board of Directors of the New York Conference of the United Church of Christ. He is also the Chairperson of the Personnel Committee and a member of the United Fitness Review Board. Previously, he was Chairperson of the Committee on Authorized Ministry for the Oneida Association of the United Church of Christ.

Academically, Kelly earned a Bachelor of Arts (Campbell University, 1991), Master of Divinity (Duke University, 1994), Master of Public Administration (Syracuse University, 2009), and Doctor of Ministry (Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, 2002).

In his free time, Kelly enjoys cycling, working out, reading, listening to music, traveling, and watching old episodes of The Big Bang Theory.

To contact The Rev. Dr. Kelly Sprinkle, Intentional Interim Pastor please use the form below.
Or call: 585-223-2433